Magnesium is arguably one of the most essential minerals because of its various roles that have effects on every part of the body; it is needed by EVERY cell in the body. Its roles range from enzyme activation, muscle relaxation, cofactor for production of glutathione (which is the body's main antioxidant), adequate hydration, improves sleep quality and mood, helps prevent clot formation, inhibits fat formation.. etc., etc. The list really does go on!

I truly believe there is no person that would not benefit from increasing magnesium intake. Especially because approximately 80% of people are deficient in magnesium. One of the reasons being that our soil is more mineral deficient than ever therefore making our food supply deficient. Not to mention, the standard american diet is lacking magnesium-rich foods, primary source being leafy greens, coupled with processed foods stripped of their nutrient content and a lifestyle that depletes magnesium (i.e. lots of coffee and lots of stress). 

Another reason for deficiencies being common is that routine bloodwork does not test for magnesium deficiencies and therefore subtle early signs of magnesium deficiency go unnoticed. 

Here are a few common signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency:

- muscle cramping;

- muscle twitching (eye twitching too);

- muscle tension;

- menstrual cramps;

- migraines;

- restlessness;

- anxiety;

- poor sleep;

- abnormal heart rhythm;

+ more!

While I do feel most, if not all, people should take a magnesium supplement, there are magnesium-rich foods that can be added to the diet as well:

- seaweed;

- chlorophyll-rich foods (greens are the most concentrated source);

- aduki and black beans;

- nuts and seeds;

- and my favorite: CHOCOLATE *however the therapeutic effects come from consumption of cacao.

Magnesium is a safe to supplement; should you buy one ensure it says "albion minerals" which basically means it is of high quality, is bioavailable and third-party tested. You can also get it in through the skin by taking epsom salt baths (which is really great for muscle cramping!). Shop some of my recommended brands from my curated online supplement dispensary

Needless to say, magnesium is definitely in my top 5 for supplement recommendations-- you can read about the other 4 I typically recommend here.

If you're curious about your magnesium and nutrient status, book a free 15 min consult with me to learn about how you can check your micronutrient status.

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